Friday 22 June 2007

For The N'th Time

And yet again
In these
274 days
And a week that
I've known you
Yet another goodbye
We try.

I know
I'll fail
Miserably yet again

For the day
I say goodbye
You loom
In my thoughts
And all I think of
Is my hand you held
Fingers intertwined
When I had just
When you had just
Gotten to know
A day before you left
As we walked
Up -down the beach

Our first goodbye.

I believe I didn't
Know you then
We trace back
That moment
You and I became
Was it when we
Counted the stars
Or shaped the clouds
Or sang in the rain
In the middle of the sea
Or in drunken stupor
I touched you
In the dark.

Now I know
Every contour
Of your body
Of you.

And yet I say goodbye
Because I love you too much?
because I'm afraid
You would forget
What these
Nine months and a week
Has given me;
Has given you.
I tell myself
Let the embers burn
Let the sparks fly
Let it smolder
And in its heat
Within days that
Become months
And years
We'll find
Our way.

I fail
I'm not ready
For any goodbyes!!

12.41 am

Thursday 7 June 2007

What say?

I am here tonight
So let me seep into you
Breathe through you
Touch your insides
Till they tingle
With me.
You may, but
They will never forget
The me that had been there.
I'll sing for you
"Lag ja gale ke phir..."
And make the song come true.
I'll make you know
What each word means.
I have lived life such
With a sense of
As if
It ends tonight
And I will never see
A tomorrow again!

I shall see us through this
And what if

We do rise

With the sunshine in
Each other's face tomorrow?
What if I may

Live another night
Of restlessness
And urgency

And see another day
In your arms?
What say
We aim for forever?