Taliban as a muslim extremist phenomena!
Look at you
You whiny protectors of morality
You perverts of the first degree
You weak morons
Who lack confidence in self
In one's belief systems.
Out to protect your wimmin?
When did we become
Cave men at what we do?
When did women need
That protection from you
Other than from you?
Wimmin ain't your cattle
To protect them from predators.
You are the predator yourself!
Obscene? I'll file a PIL
Against men who scratch
Their groins in public
Against people who pick
Their noses in public
Against men who grope
Against men who rub
Against those who stare
I'll file a PIL
And hope to gouch their eyes out.
I'll file a PIL
Against men who treat
Their wimmin like cattle.
Against parents who force
Daughters into unwanted alliances
A PIL against everyone
Who has ever touched me
Without my permission
Against those made me hate
That I am a girl
Growing into a wommin
A PIL for death sentence
For all the above.
Gere-Shilpa out of proportion non-controversy! For all the perverts!!
Religious sentimentality?!! Yeah...the gods were born bejeweled weren't they?
(The image is a protest poster by Women's groups in Mumbai such as Forum Against Oppression of Women, LABIA other women groups/individuals, against banning the film screenings of the Deepa Mehta film FIRE, addressing the larger issue of moral policing, censorship and about a bunch of goons deciding what is good for the masses!)
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