Tuesday 10 April 2007

Leaving her
When she runs
In my veins
While I travel
Within her
From head to toe
Each stop
I watch
Passing me by
And today
I leave her
Maybe to return
But maybe not.

When she took me in
I knew myself
And then she
The me I knew not
Everyday she took in
Another new me
Defined, redefined.
I fell in love
Knew passion
For the first time.

For now
I'm numb
I'm still running
In her veins
I'm not yet out.
Yet I'm leaving
I will not return
Like the way
I have left
I will
But return
If I'm lost
To lose myself

On train out of Mumbai
5th-6th April '07
12.42 am

My feet
Still grainy
With sand
As the sea teased
And I chased
The waves.
White froth
Black sea
And the distant lighthouse
So distant
The light's faint.
My feet
Are buried
In the sand
The waves draw,
Ankles no more visible.
What are you trying to do
I am asked.
I watch the litter
The waves take back.
Drown, I say.

7th April 07